Sunday, February 5, 2012

TiMe FoR A TaStY WeEk!

Whoa, the week came and went....
and it was a tasty one!

FDC was in charge of the Friends of Scouting Ward Dinner.  Chels made a hamburger cake.
(It sold for $60.)
N8 made a "Raspberry Whipped Cream Cheese Cake".
It sold for $92.
(I think he wants to quit his day job...
too bad he doesn't have one.)

Dinner was a baked potato bar--
served by the Scouts.
It was amazingly delicious

and surprisingly filling.
Other great happenings of the week included
the cleaning out of the medicine cupboard.
(Okay, so maybe not too thrilling...
but we actually found some meds that expired in 1991--
older than Chels or Nate.)
In other news...
'forgot to mention
Chels is now working for the clinic.
She started during the Christmas holidays.

And Pe and Scout got their photo
entered into a picture contest.
(Could there be anything cuter?)


Beth said...

Wow. $60?! $92?! They did a great job.

I laughed about your expired medicine. You should win some kind of an award for that record.

And love the photo of Pe and Scout.

kate said...

Way to go! Those cakes were amazing!!!!

mkamye said...

LOVE the cat and dog picture!!