Wednesday, February 15, 2012

oH...LeT's CeLeBrAtE VaLeNtINe's DaY aLL WeEk LoNg!

So, Valentine's Day came and went,
but we've been doing this whole-week type celebration around here.

First of all, a picture of my FAVORITE valentine.
Although they are both talented and good-looking,
I'll take the one on the left in a heartbeat!

And that one on the left had a 3-day weekend, so he took us skiing last Friday.
We had such a grand time!
('Sorry, no web cam here.  We were tempted to duct tape a video camera to the top of FDC's helmet, however--wouldn't that have looked smashing?)

 N8 had to stay home and dance.
They had some sort of Winterfest assembly at school.
We don't have any pictures of that, but...
here is a video of him practicing the cha-cha with one of his partners.
('Don't tell him, it's here.  He'll erase it immediately.)

Saturday, we took a walk to the top of Rattlesnake Hill.

 You always have to touch the cross when you get there.
('Can't figure out why so many have this desire to "tag" it.)

FDC insisted on showing us how to shoot his gun.

'Don't think it could ever become a favorite hobby for me.

On Valentine's Day, we had a mystery dinner.

Course 1 for FDC was a chocolate ice cream sundae!
(I had pictures...where did they go?????)

Chels sent N8 a Valentine--
"I mustache you a question...will you be my Valentine?"

She also made FDC and me a card.

'Yep, it's been a fun Valentine's week.
And it snowed last night, to boot!
'Hope your Valentine's Week has been just as good!

Sunday, February 5, 2012

TiMe FoR A TaStY WeEk!

Whoa, the week came and went....
and it was a tasty one!

FDC was in charge of the Friends of Scouting Ward Dinner.  Chels made a hamburger cake.
(It sold for $60.)
N8 made a "Raspberry Whipped Cream Cheese Cake".
It sold for $92.
(I think he wants to quit his day job...
too bad he doesn't have one.)

Dinner was a baked potato bar--
served by the Scouts.
It was amazingly delicious

and surprisingly filling.
Other great happenings of the week included
the cleaning out of the medicine cupboard.
(Okay, so maybe not too thrilling...
but we actually found some meds that expired in 1991--
older than Chels or Nate.)
In other news...
'forgot to mention
Chels is now working for the clinic.
She started during the Christmas holidays.

And Pe and Scout got their photo
entered into a picture contest.
(Could there be anything cuter?)