Sunday, January 24, 2010

YiKeS--mOrE wHiTe StUfF?

Yep--it even snowed this evening.

But, that's okay.

Craig, Chels, and N8 had last Friday off,

we all went skiing!

It was a bit blizzardy up top

and quite cold,

but once you got halfway down,

it was almost clear.

There was plenty of snow there...


in Tahoe!


Good thing, we had Captain America

to shovel it all!

(By the way, 'want to see a great Australian Captain America

"For the Strength of Youth"?)

Go to:


kate said...

Dear Captain America and Schank crew,
thanks so much for the cherry pie it was delicious. Debbie I wanted to call you to say thanks but my voice is gone:)Thanks as always for being so wonderful! We love you guys!

LasVegasSchank's said...

Yikes! That is a lot of snow! Darren told me about the what was it 4 hours of shoveling! We love you guys!!! Can't wait to see you in a couple of weeks (without the snow)!