Sunday, July 26, 2009

Cj--ThE cUtEsT lItTlE 2009 eDiTiOn!

This was a GREAT weekend!
We were lucky enough to have a visit
from the cutest, newest, little edition
to the Schank Household--
Carter Joseph!

Here's a picture of his dad, and...
here's a photo of his mom.

Can you guess who he belongs to?

Need some help?

Well, here they are in a more

recent photograph.

Everyone loves Carter!

You have to stand in line
to hold him.

'Wonder who he looks like?

Well, here's a picture of his

father at 2 months,

and here's a photo of Carter at
close to 1 month.

Lucky parents!

Lucky baby!

We're so very thankful for him!

1 comment:

Beth said...

He is precious Debbie! Congratulations!!!