Sunday, May 10, 2009

WhAt WoUlD mOtHeR's DaY bE wItHoUt...

CuTe KiDs????

Think about it...we wouldn't be mothers without them.
They certainly brighten our lives,
and keep us on our toes!

Here are some of my favorites.

Can you tell who is who?

This is a dead giveaway, if you've seen his children.

This little guy is going to be a father in July.

Okay, no challenge here. She's our only daughter.

This one will keep you hopping with his antics.

Who knew that this one would work at a nuclear power plant?


No, this one is the father of them all.

HaPpY mOtHeR's DaY, eVeRyOnE.

(I hope that your day was marvelous!)

P.S. 'Get a load of these luscious strawberries! Thanks, Der & Marie--we are all in heaven!

P.S.S. Just in case you didn't know, that was Brandon, Darren, Chels, N8, Jared, and Craig.

How'd you do?????????????


Schmath said...

Woo hoo! I got them all right!

The Fallon Schank's said...

Oh, little schmath, you are so smart! Love you!

Camille said...

I can't believe how much our kids look like Brandon! Easton and him are TWINS!!!

HannahEli said...

I only got Chel's picture right *dang it* That doesn't even look like Nate and the others I don't think I've ever met

♥Harry Potter♥