Wednesday, April 22, 2009

A lAsT mInUtE EaStEr TrIp

Last Friday, we went on a last-minute
Easter Break trip to Virginia City,
and it would have been pretty fun

Chels and N8 hadn't robbed the bank,

and been thrown in jail.
It would have been pretty fun if...
Chels hadn't been shopping for lingerie.
(Hmmm, 'looks somewhat similar to those
the YW made for their mom's!)

So, we headed up to Zephyr Cove.

(The water was low. You really shouldn't dive or jump off the pier.)

And, just hung out together.
Easter Break was GREAT!
(Only 7 more weeks of school 'til summer!)

1 comment:

Schmath said...

Holy cow. Those are some giant underpants. I thought it was a flag, and was looking for the lingerie.