Sunday, March 28, 2010

GoInG tO tHe TeMpLe, AgAiN!

Last week, we were at the Las Vegas Temple.

This week, we were at the Reno Temple.

Latter-day Warriors!
(with the sister missionaries)
Go, Temple!
(We love it!)

Monday, March 22, 2010

ThE wEeK iN bRiEf

So, here's what happened last week:

Nathan had a band concert at the CCHS Gym.
(The elementary, junior high, and high school bands, strings, and jazz bands performed.)
He also played a piano solo there.

On Friday, we took off to Vegas.
(This is "Eddie's World" in Beatty--on the way
where Chels found the man of her dreams.)

We stopped at the Las Vegas Temple
(where we all did baptisms.) It was beautiful!

We stayed with Darren, Marie, and Carter
(the highlight of our trip!)

And, we watched while N8 was part of the state spelling bee.

We had such a GREAT time,

but...I think we wore our hosts out!

Monday, March 15, 2010

TiMe FoR a WeEkEnD aDvEnTuRe!

Craig had a 3-day weekend, so we kept the kids home from school
and headed up to Reno to go skiing!


as we got closer and closer to Mt. Rose,
more and more clouds descended down the mountain, so...

we turned NW and did a session in the temple instead!

('Good thing, Chels and N8 are supportive, and don't mind reading in the car!)

In the wind, and then snow, we headed south and spent the night in Tahoe.
When we awoke, the sky was a gorgeous blue,

we went skiing!

It was a beautiful day,

with lots of powder,

and so we skied and skied!
It was "Beach Day" at Mt. Rose.
Some skiers were dressed with Hawaiian skirts, inner tubes
around their middles, and board shorts
over their ski pants.

One college-aged boy skied by me and said,
"Hey, 80's day was 2 weeks ago!"
I thought for a few seconds and replied,
"These are from the 70's--not the 80's."
I guess as you age,
you don't really care.
('Just wait and see.)
Hey, anyway, it still fits!

Now, if this ever will come up...
the video you've all been waiting for...
"Sking through Craig's Legs!"
(It's a show stopper.)

Sunday, March 7, 2010

WhY iS iT?????

Why is it that this seems just like yesterday

this was just last week?
(N8 at the Klondike. Short sleeves??? Okay, you can tell Mom didn't go!)
Why does this seem so recent, when....

we've been lucky enough to add so many new, wonderful family members?

Why do I expect my friends still to look like this on facebook?

(Seminary Classes of 1971 & 1972)

And why do I still think of these cute boys as boys when....

they all have boys (and some girls) of their own?

(That's Abe, BJ, Jar, Der, and Drew-baby.)

Why is it I still think N8 and Chels should still look like this, when....

they've grown?

And, why is it that I feel like this, when....
(That's Paul.)

I look in the mirror and see this?
(That's Carter.)

Why is it?

I'm not certain, but I do think it's probably good to feel young at heart.