Sunday, December 27, 2009

I'm DrEaMiNg Of A gReEn ChRiStMas!

To me,
there's nothing better
than a
gReEn ChRiStMaS!
(And a GrEeN ChRisTmAs means a visit to
F.D. Mom's!)

It's a GrEaT place to hang out with family
(This is Stats in Pasadena. They have an amazing array of ornaments.)

It's so FuN to roam around the Mall
(and try on all manner of fashion!)

It's GrEaT to visit the Temple,
see the lights,
and do a few baptisms!

On Christmas Eve,
we lOvE to join in the family feasting
as we all await a visit from Santa Claus!
, 'looks like he knows that we only made the semi-nice list.
(That's Laura with him--she's a sweetie. Maybe she can put in a good word
or two for us!)

Then, on ChRiStMaS dAY,
it's eXcItInG to sit back
and just watch the JoY!

And when dArLiNg GrAnDcHiLdReN show up,
it just gets even bEtTeR!

'Yep, there's nothing bEtTeR than a gReEn ChRiStMaS
with F.D. Mom and D.B. Craig and lOtS oF fAmIlY!


Bingham fam said...

Looks like fun! I wish we could be in Sunny California. WE ARE FREEZING HERE IN UTAH!!!

LasVegasSchank's said...

Glad you had a great Christmas. We love you all so much!!!